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Monday, May 7, 2012

About Me

My name is Jax and I am a stay at home wife & a mom to 4 yr old b/g twins & a 14 yr old daughter. I never planned on being a housewife, but here I am...5 years later & STILL trying to figure this all out!

I am a Mom to multi-cultural kids, so I try my best to incorporate all of our different traditions, food, & culture into our daily lives. I have always been a lover of all things Asian, so this for me is the fun stuff! My husband was born & raised in Asia and I‘m an American girl from New England…2 very different worlds, but it definitely keeps things interesting!

Two other very important things you should know about me: I am a HUGE fan of coffee & Korean Dramas…together, they = bliss ♥

I am also a bit of a ‘work in progress’ these days between trying to become a more organized person at our rented home & in life as well as trying to eat healthy & get in shape. I feel like sharing my progress will hold me more accountable and keep me on the right track.

Other things you might see here...

Something I am very very passionate about is awareness for missing children & adults. I have not personally had a child or family member/friend go missing, but I am a Mom and I know that if I ever did have a child or loved one go missing I would appreciate any help I could get. The internet & social networking are 2 great ways to get their stories and images out don't be surprised if you see a posting here or on my FB page about any current missing person's reports & Amber Alerts. (No worries, I will not go all Nancy Grace on ya'll!)

I also love Pinterest, diy projects, trying to cook/bake, & finding fun activities for my kids... so you will definitely see a very interesting mix of things here! I hope you enjoy your stay & come back often ♥

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jax! We're hosting a blogger parent mixer at our store soon and would love to have you along! All the info is here:



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