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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Flower Power

Today Peanut is rehearsing for her role as flower girl for our friends wedding this weekend. With a 4 year old, anything can we are getting in as much practice as possible. To help her get ready, I took an Easter basket and crumpled up some pieces of newspaper to pose as flowers. She has been walking up and down the hallway all morning practicing :)

Oh.... and we have power back! It was a long few days but we made it through OK...sadly our food did not. BUT, we are all safe & healthy and that's what matters most so I will try not to dwell on it. There are still thousands without power, and as the days get hotter, my heart goes out to them. You all are in my thoughts, please stay safe & cool ♥.

We are preparing to leave for the wedding so I will not be back to blogging until after the weekend. Lots of pics to come, so stay tuned :) I hope you all have a great weekend! xoxo

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Due to the unforeseen weather & power outage, I will not be able to blog for the next week or so. The power company says we won't have power until at least next Friday, then I will be going to a wedding out of state over the weekend. I will probably be back the second week in July...but not sure yet. I will have to play it by ear for now. In the meantime we will be living in hotels & friends houses, so I'm not sure how much access I will have to the internet.

I hope everyone has a great couple of weeks, and I will see you again soon *crossing fingers*. For those of you in the same situation as me, please be safe & try to stay cool and hydrated! My thoughts are with you & your families ♥



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