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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pantry Cleaning Day! ....Woo....Hoo

Today on my "to do" list was cleaning out & organizing our teeny tiny little kitchen pantry...ahhh, who am I kidding, it's BEEN on my to do list for weeks >.< 

Our previous rental had a full on walk-in pantry, so adjusting to life with this little closet was/is pretty difficult. We found it more important to store the cleaning supplies then food in this pantry as a safety precaution for the kids....but it quickly turned into that closet you just keep stuffing things into and then can't find what you're looking for. 

Now, I did "kinda sorta" plan ahead and saved a bunch of our baby spinach containers from Sam's know the ones I'm talking about (see below)

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These containers were perfect for storing the sponges, cleaners, flashlights and batteries in so they weren't just falling all over the place on the wire shelves...I can't tell you how many times a cleaning bottle or flashlight would jump out at me on a daily basis. The best part about them is they are free and recycled, so think twice next time you go to throw out your spinach containers!

Here are my before and after pics of my pantry....nothing super fancy but I am happy with it! Now, I wonder how long it will stay this way??? ^^


Summer Freebies @ Budget Savvy Diva

I wanted to take a minute to share one of my favorite sites, Budget Savvy Diva ♥. This site has the most up to date list of really fab freebies and you can easily follow her updates on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter to make sure that you never miss out on a great deal. She also features recipes, crafts, coupons, and other easy ways to save! You can find Budget Savvy Diva's website @ .

Here are just some of the awesome freebies I have been able to snag so far this summer (some are not pictured because I already used them ^^). My faves thus far have to be the Target Beauty Bag, the Keurig tumbler for Iced Coffee and the free K-cups from Tully's ♥ Hubs fave would probably be the Breathe Right strips for me >.<

While most of these freebies are no longer live, there are still plenty of great freebies posted daily, so don't miss out!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer Chaos

Summer is getting the best of me these days and my poor blog has been suffering sorry for the lack of updates >.<  We have been really busy these days and it will only get busier as our big Maine trip is coming up! I am so excited to go back home and spend some quality time with family & friends though ♥. I've already decided I will not be going on hiatus, just posting here and there when I get a chance....hopefully over coffee...on the deck...looking out over the beautiful ocean ^^ 

So in the meantime, please forgive me...I promise I am not abandoning my blog, I am just  REALLY bad at multi-tasking (gotta work on that). 

As for our weekend, we were busy being lazy and recovering from our trip last weekend and our day of house hunting on Wednesday...although we did manage to get out for dinner last night to Joe's Crab Shack at Washingtonian Center ^^ 

How was your weekend????



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