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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

7 Questions

1. What do you do when you're sick? 

 I usually do 1 of 2 things...


...this pretty much sums it up ^^

2. What do you do to find motivation when you feel you've lost it?

3. Do you wish time away or do you savor every moment?

I think I do a bit of both depending on the situation, but I try my best to savor every moment.

4. If you could be any mythological creature, what would you be, and why?

because it's fabulous ♥

5. What is your current biggest weakness and are you working on fixing it?

FOOD!!!!!!!!!! I love to eat...a lot. But I am trying to be healthier about it these days :D

6. How do you greet someone when meeting them for the first time? 

A smile...

7. How do you grocery shop? (Do you write up a list? Go in with no idea what you're looking for? Have meal plans? Bring your own shopping bags?)

I keep a list on my fridge to jot down things as we run out. Meal planning is in my immediate future... but haven't sat down to do it yet (maybe I need to put that on my list too?,lol) & we always bring our own shopping bags ^^


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