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Monday, June 18, 2012

Daily Learning: What Day Is It?

Every day when the kids get up, the first thing they do when they come downstairs is their "Days of the week" chart which we have hanging up on the side of our refrigerator. I will ask them what day it is and they move their little magnet guys to the correct day...although sometimes they will tell me before even putting their magnets on the chart ^^ This is a really fun way for them to learn their days of the week as well as a reading activity. The first week or so I helped them identify which day it was, but in no time they were remembering & reading the days on their own!

Today we made a new chart that they can share since we want them to get in the habit of sharing better before they start school. Up until now we have tried to keep all their things "separate" so they would feel like individuals and not always "the twins". While it's still great for them to feel like individuals, we are trying to compromise with certain things around the house and I thought this would be a great place to start.

 I made this easily from scratch using 11x14 paper from my sketch pad,a ruler, a pencil, and some markers.
I used the ruler to measure 2 inches between each line and to make the line itself. I traced everything out before hand using a pencil and then traced over the letters with markers. You can use any magnets you have handy, it just so happens we had some little character magnets from our trip to Hershey Park ^^ I also had some magnets on hand from the Dollar Tree that have adhesive on one side so I attached it to the back of the chart so it wasn't relying on the daily marker magnets to hold it up. 

I also let the kids pick out stickers to mark the weekends so they know that's when their Dad is home from work. You can really customize this to your preferences,this is just the way we made ours.

I hope you will find this activity useful with teaching your kids their days of the week! 

**I have also made some simple printables if you would like to just print out your charts! I have made one in color & one in black and white for you and your little one to color however you'd like, enjoy!


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