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Friday, June 29, 2012

Tech Probs: Commenting

I have had a few problems over the past couple of months with my commenting system. I am not a huge fan of the generic system provided by blogger so I wanted to use something with more options. Usually Disqus is my go-to commenting system but it was crashing my site when people tried to comment on my blog, so I tried out Intense Debate....and once again it was crashing my site although not EVERY time. I am sad that I have lost all of my previous comments on this site but have decided to go back to the generic commenting system until I figure out why I am having so many probs with these other ones. Has anyone else encountered this problem with Intense Debate or Disqus??? If so, i'd love to hear about it and any fixes or alternatives you might know of!

For those of who had left comments before, I promise I didn't delete them on purpose and I appreciate the time you took to write them (I did read them all!). You should no longer encounter any problems leaving comments and I always look forward to reading please, comment away! Even if it's just a "Hello, I was here!" ^^

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