As far as everything else goes, I have been busy running kids around to school and their other activities and doing the day to day stuff. For the last month though, my life has been these brown boxes....a never ending sea of boxes >.< I have really missed my blogging though and would like to get back to it, slowly but surely! I know this is a crazy time to come back as we are in the middle of packing and moving our whole life of the past 3 years in this house but at the same time I will have a lot more to share :) I am really going to try my best and hopefully not let my followers down! 2013 is going to be filled with a lot of new experiences for our family and I am looking forward to sharing them, so please hold me to it ♥
On another note, I hope everyone had a very happy Easter! The twinkies did an Easter egg hunt in the midst of the packing chaos...but it gave me a lot more hiding places, so it was a real big hit! I'm pretty sure we found all the ones that I hid, and if will be an interesting surprise come unpacking time,lol!

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