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Monday, May 14, 2012

Getting Back on The T'Mill

Today was my first day back on the Treadmill since my biopsy last Wednesday (more on that later!), and let me tell body no likey! Before my little break I was on the Treadmill for 35 mins every morning & 25 mins every night, so getting back on there after 5 days of 'taking it easy' is tough stuff man. I kept it at a lower pace/incline then usual and only managed to burn 351 total calories today...but that's better then burning 0, so I'm at peace with it. Another problem I have encountered over my 5 day hiatus is that I veered off the path of healthy a bit and slipped back into a bad habit called, coffee for breakfast. I have never been much of a breakfast eater (although I LOVE breakfast foods!) and when I started this healthy journey I promised myself that I would eat a well balanced breakfast every morning. It's not that I am not hungry, cause let's face it....i'm always down for some good eatin', but the morning is usually busy and I get distracted and just forget to I really need to set some kind of breakfast alarm for myself. I also maybe kinda sorta ate some Banh Mi sandwiches 3 days in a row @.@ I really blame my husband for this one because he picked some up Friday night and they talked him into buying 6. Banh Mi itself is not super unhealthy but I think it's the baguette it's served on is what worries me the most. Anyone that knows me will know that these delicious Vietnamese sandwiches are a weakness of mine and cannot under any conditions say NO, so I am going to stay firm with blaming my Hubs even though I willingly ate them ^^ ....the brownie sundae from Bruster's lastnight was also very delish but it was Mother's Day so I will let that one slide!

With all that being said, it was a miracle that I have managed to lose 4lbs in the past week of no exercise and a not so healthy diet. I even earned my 10 lbs badge on Lose It! & now I am officially down 14 lbs (since I started counting), so it was very encouraging despite the minor setbacks!

For those of you that don't know what a Banh Mi sandwich is, let this photo speak for itself...

Banh Mi deliciousness
A Banh Mi Vietnamese sandwich @ Saigon Deli in Seattle. photo by Andrea Fuentes-Diaz   

My Treadmill Stats for Today:

Watched: Celebrity Apprentice @hulu  Time: 35 mins AM/25 mins PM Total Calories Burned: 351

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