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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kpop & Kimochis

I am sure you might be wondering what Korean Pop and Kimochis have to do with one another....for me they have EVERYTHING to do with one another! It was how I discovered the wonderful world of Kimochis ♥

As you probably know by now I watch a lot of Korean television, mostly dramas, but I do watch the occasional variety or reality show. One of these reality shows is called "Hello Baby" & this past season it starred a Kpop group I love called MBLAQ. Hello Baby features a popular Kpop group every season & they raise toddlers for 3 months or so.....sounds scary right?! I don't think this would fly in the USA at all....but over there, it works (this was season 5)! In episode 4, they featured a therapy session with the children and they introduced them to the Kimochis.

For those of you who have not heard of Kimochis (which means "feelings" in Japanese), they are these wonderful & adorable interactive dolls with feelings you can put inside their little pockets. They help your child learn how to express & share their feelings through play....whether they are feeling happy, sad, mad, or even sensitive. Each Kimochis character comes with 3 feelings & you can buy additional packs of mixed feelings as well.

We had been dealing with a lot of emotional outbursts from our son for years & it was really disheartening because he is the sweetest little boy otherwise. We wanted him to be able to express himself in a more healthy way instead of temper tantrums and meltdowns. When I saw these dolls on Hello Baby & how much it helped this little just clicked! I talked with my husband about them and we ordered one for him right away from

Ever since the day Kimochis Cloud came into our home he has been a complete blessing. The change in my son when I started working with him & Cloud was joke! After the first week he was like a different child altogether. Cloud is now his best friend and months later, he still interacts with him daily. We have even welcomed a second Kimochis into our home for our youngest daughter ♥

If you are interested in buying your own Kimochis, you can find them at, for more information on Kimochis visit their Official site HERE & "like" them on Facebook HERE!

They also have some great games to play with your Kimochis Feelings as well as other pics & info at their Official Tumblr HERE!

>> Hello Baby Screencaps via

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