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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Today is an unusually sunny & breezy day here in Maryland. Normally you can't even go outside for more then 5 minutes this time of year, at least where we live! So, Peanut & I totally took advantage of this gorgeous day and sat outside with some coffee & juice while the Hubs & Bobo went out & did some guy errands together. This was also a rare day because usually Peanut is the one who goes out with the Hubs, not Bobo ...she is a Daddy's girl & he is 100% Momma's boy . It was soooo nice to have some one on one bonding time with her ♥

photo by Peanut ♥

...just beautiful

wishing for more days like this!

How did you spend your Sunday?!

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