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Thursday, June 7, 2012

#photodayjune - days 5 & 6

I have been so busy the past couple of days I have not been able to blog or post my photos for the photo challenge, eeek! This weekend is the last free junk drop off day of the year, so we have been combing through the gazillions of boxes in our basement & sorting out things that we really don't NEED. All the "junk" will be donated to help out the Lupus cool is that!? Couldn't think of a better way to get rid of some things! We will also be moving AGAIN within the next year,  so we would really like to have as little stuff as possible since we will be moving ourselves this time around.

I also went to the hospital yesterday to get my lab work done & make an appointment with the Hematologist , *crossing fingers* that everything will turn out fine but I would like to know why all this bleeding has been happening. I should have some answers by the end of the month!

now, onto my photos......

#5 Sign -  Take a photo of a street sign, a shop sign, someone doing sign language, any sign!

this is a pic of my Hubs "Evo Parking Only" sign 

#6 Hat - Take a photo of you wearing a hat, someone else wearing a hat, a hat in a shop - and yes those in cooler months - beanies count!

My little Peanut modeling her favorite hat ♥

*in case you are just tuning in, these photos are for Fat Mum Slim's June Photo Challenge, if you'd like to find out more, please visit her site >>

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