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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Blog Styling

Two of my favorite hobbies are playing with my Photoshop & Web Designing, which I have implemented here on my own blog with some of my own custom touches. I have designed quite a few websites over the past 10+ years but they take A LOT of time and energy that I don't have at the moment because I am so busy with the twinkies...but it's still something I enjoy doing and am very much interested in. I thought it might be fun to do a bit of Blog Styling instead since it fulfills my love for ps & designing but without the full time commitment. I am looking for 1 or 2 blogs to be my guinea pigs so I can build up my "portfolio" and to really see if this is something I can devote some time to. The goal of  Blog Styling is to take your pre-existing blog and spruce it up a bit with some custom touches and adding a bit more flare...or even if you just want a new background and don't have the time or energy to look for or create one yourself. I would not be applying the changes live on your blog but rather building a test page with my ideas on my own blogger account and then handing the images/ideas over to you once you approve them or I can install the changes onto your blog if it's easier for you.

If you are interested in being one of my "guinea pig" blogs, please email me at with your blog link & some info about you & any changes you'd like to make (custom header, buttons, etc) as well as colors & styles you like (ie; vintage, chic, modern...etc).

I currently have a couple of blogs lined up for my guinea pig blogs, will be posting their blogs as soon as I am finished ^^ 

*aside from my own blog, I have recently styled my friend's new blog with a custom header & added a lovely background with matching social icons >>  Moore Fabulous 

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