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Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Friday!

This could not be more appropriate for this past week! As I mentioned earlier, I have been busy sorting out the endless boxes in our basement since we have the last free junk drop off this weekend. It seriously looked like an episode of hoarders down there! In sorting through the chaos I found a lot of precious things...old crafts from when my Punky was in grade school, baby clothes, letters & cards I have saved through the years and can't seem to let go of....and most notably, MY WEDDING RING! I know I know, how awful of me to have "lost" my wedding's shameful really. BUT, in my defense, I grew up during a time where you were told not to wear any valuable jewelry while traveling. So, while we were packing for our previous move from Arizona I packed all my jewelry away in a box where I wouldn't lose them....then the movers came and repacked everything without labeling any of the boxes @.@ . Lesson learned though and I am never taking it off again ♥

I hope everyone has a great weekend! My busy week should be wrapping up and I will be back to regular blogging next week. I will leave you with a photo I just took of my Bobo while he waits for his Dinosaur to lay eggs... yes, he has been this serious the WHOLE TIME @.@ 

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