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Monday, June 11, 2012

Daydreaming ~ NC Trip

 A few months ago we made a road trip to the beach in North Carolina to see my family...I am daydreaming about being back there today as I am sitting here in the miserable muggy weather ...too hot inside, too hot outside >.<  This trip was the last time I remember really relaxing in a long time since it was the day after I returned home that I had that dreadful Doctor's appt and all hell broke lose in my world. The trip was really perfect...the weather, the beach, and the company. My Father and my Grandmother (she just turned 91!) are the 2 people that I am closest too in my family, maybe even in my whole world...and we were way overdue for a visit. We had such a great time talking & laughing for HOURS and looking through old family photos. The kids had a lot of firsts on this trip which also made it extra special....the first time to meet my Grandma, the first time at the beach playing in the sand & waves, collecting seas shells, the first time on a swing, & the first time coming face to face with a cat. Soooo many great memories on this trip that we will never forget ♥
*RIP Nikki the cat, we will miss you!

The Twinkies & Grandma ♥

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