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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Getting There

About 2 weeks ago I reached a milestone in my weight loss venture....I've lost a total of 20lbs!!!! I was actually a bit surprised to reach this already as I was unable to walk for about half of the time since I started this process 2 months ago.

This weight loss is so much more meaningful to me then the few times before when I have lost weight because this is the first time I have not tried out any fad diets, diet pills, diet shakes... I could go on. I have honestly worked hard for every one of these lbs lost by working out & watching what I eat. If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE food, so this was the hardest part for me...even more then the working out. BUT, I hope that this will be the time that it stays off since every other time I have put it right back. I am just going to keep doing what I have been doing and hopefully I will reach my goal and be able to stay there by eating healthy and indulging only once in awhile instead of everyday.

I really owe so much to Becky at Organizing Made Fun because her blog post on her weight loss journey is where I got inspired to finally take my own journey & I also heard about the wonderful site i'm using to track my daily food & exercise called Lose It. Thanks so much Becky, you continue to inspire me everyday with your wonderful blog & creative ideas ♥

 It hasn't been easy but it's definitely worth it...especially when you can fit into your old "skinny clothes" again or those things you have bought that you hope to fit into one day (yay'z!).

Now if only I can get the rest of me straightened out!!!! .... baby steps ^^

p.s., this blog post comes to you from my lawn (what a gorgeous day! ♥)


1 comment:

  1. Not sure why I'm having such a hard time commenting! I'm so very proud of you! Now to get my own butt in gear and catch up :D



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