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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Congrats Punky ♥

I try not to post too much about my oldest daughter because she IS a teenager and there is a pretty good chance she would either ...

  • A) die of embarrassment for realz @.@, or
  • B) give me the silent treatment for a week if I said or posted the wrong thing
BUT, I just have to give one small shout out and say CONGRATS to my Punky for graduating from Junior High today! I am totally going to make you watch all of the 80's teen movies this summer....16 Candles...Pretty in Pink.... Teen Witch. Oh yes, it's happening... so save the date ♥ ^^

I love you so much & am so proud and amazed by you every day!

Today's Project: Recycling Crayons!

I have been wanting to do this project for awhile since seeing it on Pinterest, but after eyeing that tin of broken crayons for the 100th time this morning, I knew today was the day....WE ARE RECYCLING CRAYONS! I really dislike throwing away things they are still very much in use, so I was really happy to stumble upon this idea ^^

I dumped out the big tin of crayons on the the floor and separated the broken ones from the good ones and put them in this pretty little pile.

 At this point the kids were thinking I had gone crazy ...I kept getting that sideways puppy head tilt from them. I didn't tell them right away what our project was cause it's fun to keep them guessing for awhile. I then told them to pick a color and start peeling! They were more then happy to oblige and they spent the next hour or so REALLY super focused while peeling and separating the colors.

While they were peeling and sorting I preheated the oven to 275 degrees. Once they were done, I popped the muffin tin into the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes (as several sites suggested). I think it was probably about 15 minutes before they were all melted at this temp though. If you decide to make these, I would still set the timer for 10 but keep checking after that to see if everything is melted since all ovens are different. After I pulled them out I let the crayons set for 10 minutes & then put them in the freezer for 20 minutes. I was a little worried that they wouldn't come out since I had not sprayed or lined the pan, but it ended up being just fine....those crayons popped out like ice cubes! The kids were sooooo excited and wanted to use them right away even though they were still frozen :D 

We had soooooooo much fun with this project and I'm really looking fwd to doing it again in the future, maybe with some fun shaped pans next time! We may never have to buy another new crayon again ^^


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I Won...AGAIN!!!! - Chinese Writing Kit

How is it even possible that the girl who never wins anything won 2 giveaways within 1 week? My luck is changing I tell ya....I wonder if I should go buy a lottery ticket??? ^^

This time I won a Chinese Writing Kit by Wu and Wu from the wonderfully creative site,!

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My kids are really going to love this!

If you would like to order one of your own, you can find them at the tadashop. Thanks so much Mariah for this great giveaway ♥. I am really excited to add this activity to their weekly Chinese lessons!

Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm A Winner! - Lila Rose Giveaway

I never win, never ever ever....ever! BUT, my luck is changing because I won a Gift Certificate to Lilla Rose from one of my favorite blogs, Coffee and Cashmere!

I am pretty sure I know what I am going to get with my gift certificate (so many great choices!) but I'll post it when I officially decide. Please stop by & visit the lovely Coffee & Cashmere when you get a chance... she has some great recipes, DIY's, and a lot of other fun stuff!

Dinner Fave: Omurice!

Tonight we had one of our favorite foods for dinner...OMURICE

Omurice {オムライス, Omu-raisu} originated in Japan and it consists of an omelette made with chicken fried rice and ketchup on top. It is a VERY kid-friendly meal but it's really loved by all age groups.

Even though the home of Omurice is Japan, you will see it made all over Asia, especially in South Korea where Omurice {오무라이스, Oh-moo-rah-ee-seu} is served at many restaurants as well as at home. In fact, in one of my favorite Korean dramas, Rooftop Prince.... Omurice was very much a co-star ^^

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Tonight I didn't make a step by step photo log but I will share some great sites where you can find the recipe to suit your tastes. I usually take a recipe and make it my own like most people do, so mine isn't exactly like these... but close to it. I will make sure to post my recipe in the future along with some prep photos!
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Daydreaming ~ NC Trip

 A few months ago we made a road trip to the beach in North Carolina to see my family...I am daydreaming about being back there today as I am sitting here in the miserable muggy weather ...too hot inside, too hot outside >.<  This trip was the last time I remember really relaxing in a long time since it was the day after I returned home that I had that dreadful Doctor's appt and all hell broke lose in my world. The trip was really perfect...the weather, the beach, and the company. My Father and my Grandmother (she just turned 91!) are the 2 people that I am closest too in my family, maybe even in my whole world...and we were way overdue for a visit. We had such a great time talking & laughing for HOURS and looking through old family photos. The kids had a lot of firsts on this trip which also made it extra special....the first time to meet my Grandma, the first time at the beach playing in the sand & waves, collecting seas shells, the first time on a swing, & the first time coming face to face with a cat. Soooo many great memories on this trip that we will never forget ♥
*RIP Nikki the cat, we will miss you!

The Twinkies & Grandma ♥


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